The Orders of success

Finding Clarity in Your Professional Life

The systemic constellation method, originally developed by Bert Hellinger to explore family structures, is increasingly being used in the corporate domain. The method is ideal for investigating professional concerns and workplace processes, dynamics, and relationships, as well as discovering possible solutions to work-related conflicts and challenges.

The Orders of Success is a practical handbook for consultants, therapists, and counsellors as well as business owners, corporate managers, human capital professionals, and all those wanting to learn how the systemic constellation method can serve a professional environment. The book offers an overview of the systemic constellation method and the different forms of organizational constellations and explains the dynamics of conflict structures.

The Orders of Success
outlines the laws of success and failure, of happiness and misfortune that apply to both personal and professional life and gives professionals insights into and possible solutions for how to successfully deal with work-related obstacles and challenges to better achieve their goals.

Kristine Alex, née Erb
Dipl. oec. troph., born 1963, has many years of experience in international project and crisis management in Europe and Africa. Specialized in corporate systemic constellation work, she has been offering sessions and training in this field since 1994. Kristine runs her own training and consulting institute `Systeme in Aktion` in Munich and Chiemgau in Germany.